6 OCTOBER 2024

Evening Event: Guided Gong Meditation at Rotnes Bruk, Nittedal 


Velkommen til gongmeditasjon med Bjørn og Maria Løken, Picaflor Life Energy, på Rotnes bruk! Dette blir en dypt helende og avslappende kveld til tonene fra gonger og krystallinstrumenter.

I en guidet gongmeditasjon tar vi deg med på en dyp indre reise som vil lede deg til nøyaktig den plass der du trenger å være akkurat nå, enten det er langt ute i universet eller dypt nede i jorden.
Impulser fra instrumentene støtter deg på din veg. Tonene og frekvensene jobber på cellenivå hvor de renser, balanserer og åpner opp. De løser opp blokkeringer og spenninger og hjelper deg å ta inn mer livsenergi. Meditasjonen gir kroppen din dyp hvile og kommer til å påvirke deg over lenger tid.

Under hele gongreisen ligger du bekvemt på en myk matte (eller sitter hvis du ønsker det) og på slutten kommer Maria å guide deg tilbake til her og nå. Gongmeditasjonen varer 60-75 minutter. Den kommer å oppfattes ulikt av enhver som deltar, avhengig av hvor du befinner deg i dine egne prosesser.

Du som har lyst får noen dråper av en eterisk olje før vi starter meditasjonen for å stryke på pulspunktene dine og spre ut i energifeltet ditt. Oljen jobber på ett dypt energetisk nivå og forsterker effekten av tonene og klangene.

For deg som er interessert har vi også satt av en stund etter meditasjonen for å prate litt om energimedisin, hvordan vi kan jobbe energetisk med kropp, sinn og sjel.

Vi som holder i eventet er:
Bjørn Løken, profesjonell musiker, slagverklærer og Professor i slagverk på Norges Musikkhøgskole, sound healer, sjaman og Sertifisert lærer i Kundalini Yoga.
Maria Løken, sound healer, sjaman, Sertifisert instruktør i medisinsk Qi Gong ifølge Biyunmetoden og skaper av Soul Journey Qi Gong 1-3.

Om arrangementet:
Gongmeditasjonen starter 18:00, vær ute i god tid.
Begrenset antall plasser til 30 personer. NB! Ta med godt liggeunderlag, varmt pledd og evt. pute.
Adresse: Stasjonsveien 1, 1482 Nittedal.
Billetter: Kr 380,-
Påmelding på SMS til Heidi Amundsen, telefon 93229624. Betaling på Vipps for påmelding. Husk å merk betalingen med "Gongbad 6 oktober Rotnes bruk".

Hjertelig velkommen! 

17-20 OCTOBER 2024

Shamanic Workshop "Opening Up the Heart"

The Medicine Wheel - The Circle of Light

Løken Gård, Fetsund, Norway

"Opening Up the Heart" is the first part of our medicine wheel, The Circle of Light, but it also works as a separate workshop, so you are warmly welcome if you feel the calling! 

In this workshop we step into the South and get to know the archetype of the south - the Serpent who teaches us to shed our past (this life time) as easily and smoothly as the snake shifts its skin and helps us remember how to move softly here on earth, in our Garden of Eden. 

One of the main focuses of this workshop is on opening up the heart for the original light of love. Among other things you will get one of the three big energy transmissions of the Q'ero Shamans - The Initiation of the Heart - through a Gong and Crystal Sound Meditation and through Soul Journey Qi Gong 1 to the tones of gongs and crystal instruments. 

You will get to know the Wiracocha, your highest light. How to connect to it, how to use it as a filter, how to expand it and let it spread out to your surroundings and the whole world.

Another important focus will be on begin sourcing from the future. You will reconnect with your origin in the stars through our transmissions of the energy frequencies of some of the stars in the Pleiades. This will make it easier for you to receive information and energetic nourishment from the future in stead of being tied to and held back by the past.

You will also learn a bit about the three different worlds, our inner worlds: the under world (the subconscious you), the middle world (the conscious you) and the upper world (the superconscious you).

Our days together contain many guided Gong and Crystal Sound Meditations, Qi Gong,  talking, sharings, energy work exercises, initiations (energy transmissions), energy work outdoors in the beautiful nature around Løken Gård, fire ceremonies etc. We follow the energy processes in the group and what comes to us from the world and the universe so we can never say beforehand exactly what will come up in each workshop but we have a basic structure for each one.

We will give you tools to bring home for you to work with to continue your own magical journey to get to know every part of yourself, nature and the universe.  



Leaders: Bjørn and Maria Løken. Bjørn is a shaman, a sound healer, a professional musician, a percussion teacher and Professor of Percussion at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, and a Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. Maria is a shaman, a sound healer, a certified instructor of Medical Qigong according to the Biyun method, and the creator of Soul Journey Qigong.

Dates and times: 17-20 October 2024. We start at 10.00 on Thursday morning and finish at 15.00 on Sunday afternoon. There will be evening work during the workshop.

Place: Løken Gård, Fetsund, Norway 

Investment: 4400 NOK/SEK. For you who are repeating this workshop, the price is 3000 NOK/SEK.

Food and lodging: Possibility to book lodging and home cooked, vegetarian, ecological food mostly based on vegetables grown on our farm. 

Registration: Registration for the workshop is made by phoning/sending an sms to Maria at +47 466 35 283 or an  e-mail to picaflorlifeenergy@gmail.com To make a definite registration and secure a spot on the workshop you then need to pay a registration fee of 1000 SEK/NOK that will later be deducted from the final bill. We will e-mail you our bank account number as soon as you have let us know that you wish to participate. If you wish to sign up for the whole Medicine Wheel (5 occasions) to secure a spot, you pay a registration fee of 2000 SEK/NOK that will be deducted from the bill for the fifth and final workshop of the medicine wheel. 


24 OCTOBER 2024

Evening Event: Soul Journey Qigong 1 and Gong Meditation

at Løken Gård, Fetsund, and online live!

Warmly welcome to join us either at Løken Gård or online, live, to share an evening of deep stillness and healing of yourself and the earth. An evening when you let go of energies that hold you back and let yourself be filled with the original light of love - Munay. 

Together we will practice Soul Journey Qigong 1 - The Initiation of the Heart to the healing tones of gongs and crystal instruments. This will be followed by a guided Gong Meditation when you can let yourself journey with the deeply balancing tones and vibrations from gongs, crystal singing bowls and crystal pyramids. 

No previous expericence with qigong or meditation is needed! 

What is qigong? "Qi" means "life energy" and "gong" means "method". Qigong originates from China and can be described as a meditation in movement. For thousands of years it has been practiced by the Chinese to create balance between body, mind and soul and thereby stay in good health. There are numerous different kinds of qigong. Soul Journey Qi Gong is a unique form created by Maria Løken - a blend of old eastern philosophy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and ancient shamanic wisdom. It consists of series of soft, slow, beautiful, simple and powerful movements made with a specific concentration for each movement. 

By practicing Soul Journey Qi Gong you stimulate the circulation of "qi", blood and lymph in your body. You fill every cell in your body with fresh oxygen and you stimulate all your inner organs.

On a soul level, practicing Soul Journey Qigong can help you open up your heart and feel the oneness with nature and the universe. Feel the oneness with every part of creation. You can find your own light, your unique vibration of the original source of love.

The effect of the qigong practice is deepened and strengthened by the healing tones from gongs and crystal instruments played by Bjørn. 

The qigong session will be followed by a deeply healing Gong Meditation during which you can let go of heavy energies that do not serve you anymore and bring in the original light of love from heaven and earth. The tones and frequences enter on cellular level in your body,  help you open up and release blockings and tensions. 

LEADERS: Maria and Bjørn Løken. Maria is the creator of Soul Journey Qi Gong, a Certified Instructor of Medical Qigong according to the Biyun method, a sound healer and a shaman. Bjørn is a professional musician, a percussion teacher and Professor of Percussion at the Norwegian Academy of Music, a sound healer, a shaman and a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.

DATE AND TIME: 24 October 2024 at 19.00-20.30

PLACE: LIVE at Løken Gård, Løkenveien 37, 1900 Fetsund AND ONLINE, LIVE! We will send a link to you who participate online 15 minutes before the start of the event. It is essential that you take in the sound through good headphones (on ear) or good loudspeakers to get the most possible out of the experience! You will nog be able to experience the sound of the gongs and crystal instruments through the cell phone!

REGISTRATION: The registration for the event is committing and is made to Maria by phoning/sending an sms to +47 466 35 283 or by e-mail to picaflorlifeenergy@gmail.com at the latest two hours before the event.

INVESTMENT: 300 NOK/300 SEK/30 Euro. To be paid by Vipps to the above mobile number by Norwegian participants. To participants from other countries we will send a bill.