The Pleiades

The pictures are (partly) from our latest Pleiades Workshop 18-21 June 2023 at the Summer Solstice in The Blue Mountain Hall in magical Oldedalen, Vestlandet, Norway. There we are surrounded by the deeply healing and powerful mountains, beautiful waterfalls and ice glaciers that carry memories since the beginning of time. 

The Pleiades Workshop is a deeply healing shamanic workshop where you reawaken your connection with your origin in the stars through the star constellation the Pleiades. According to the Q'ero shamans in Peru (the Q'eros are descendants of the Inka indians), we human beings come from the Pleiades. The nine main stars in the Pleiades are the mother and the father and the seven sisters who show us how to walk here on earth as beings of pure love and light, sharing our gifts in co-creation, joy and play. 

In this workshop we transmit these main nine energy frequencies to you in our way through the deeply healing tones of Gongs and Crystal instruments in guided meditations and Qi Gong initiations downloaded from each star.The tones enter on cellular level, clear away energetic blockings and create balance and harmony so that you can receive and integrate the frequencies of the Pleiades more fully. The Qi Gong initiations also assist in the integration of the energy frequencies in your body and soul.

As you get better acquainted with each star frequency you will meet and get to know different parts of yourself. We will guide you and support you in the process in different ways - by talking and giving individual healing to make your journey soft and smooth.

 We will also tell you about how the Q'eros describe each star and we will share our own perception of the stars. We will talk about how the Pleiades can help you and guide you in your life here on earth and how you can deepen your own connection with each star when you get home. 

 Moreover, we give you an introduction to shamanism in general; what it means to live your life as a shaman here on earth, spreading your love and wisdom.

Warmly welcome to join us on this star journey!

Love and light

Bjørn and Maria 


Here follows a short description of the main nine energy frequencies of the Pleiades:

Frequency 1-Pleione: The godly Mother of the star nations. The star of care and embrace that carries you on your walk here on earth. The star of information.

Frequency 2 - Atlas: The godly Father of the star nations. The star of direction and grounding. Helps you to get to know every part of yourself and guides you in how to manifest your dreams.

Frequency 3 - Alkyone: The star of the light. The direct channel to the whole of the universe and thus also to your inner universe, your soul.

Frequency 4 - Merope: The star of reconnecting. The star of holy vision. The star of balance, joy and co-creation.

Frequency 5 - Elektra: The star of creativity and expression. Helps us to navigate between the three worlds.

Frequency 6 - Kelaino: The heart of the Pleiades, the star of pure love and compassion. 

Frequency 7 - Maia: The star of identity, direct connection to your soul. The star that knows your history and your future and helps you reconnect to your unique light.

Frequency 8 - Taygete: The star of manifestation. The star that carries all seeds for a new life, for new dreams to be realized.

Frequency 9 - Asterope: The star of illumination that lighthens up your way and shows you how to walk here on earth.