Initiations (Energy Transmissions)

Maria gives three different types of shamanic initiations (energy transmissions) in our beautiful, winter isolated nature room at Løken Gård and on distance: Munay-Ki, Nustas Karpay and the Pleiades. 

The Munay-Ki rites are transferred both in the traditional way of the Q'ero shamans and in my way through the tones and vibrations from crystal singing bowls/crystal pyramids, gongs and my voice toning or only mentally, without sound.

The Nustas Karpay rites and the Pleiades initiations are transferred through my music and voice toning or only mentally. 

In addition to the traditional way and the music, I have also transformed each of the energy frequencies into Qi Gong movements. The Qi Gong initiations help you integrate the energies more easily in body and soul. 

Before I give each initiation I do an energetical cleansing of heavy energies so that you can take in the energy frequencies more easily and so that they can be integrated more quickly within you. 

So, there are two different alternatives to choose between when receiving the initiations: 

Alternative 1 where you receive healing and initiations (with or without sound)

Alternative 2 where you receive healing and initiations, learn more about each energy frequency and how to give it to others (only Munay-Ki) and learn the Qi Gong movements connected to each frequency

Both these alternatives are also given on distance but without sound. 


Alternative 1: You do not have to decide beforehand how many sessions you want to have in total but decide as you go along. Each session starts with a healing session (with or without sound) followed by two (or sometimes only one) initiations. The number of initiations can vary depending on where you are right now in your energy processes, how ready your soul is to take in the frequencies and integrate them.

Each session lasts for 90 minutes.

Investment: 1200 NOK per session 

If you decide from the start to take all the initiations you get a discount of 10% per session.

Alternative 2: You decide beforehand to receive all the energy transmissions, to learn more about each frequency and how to give it to others and to learn the Qi Gong movements connected to each frequency. I begin each session by describing the initiations you are going to get. Then I give you a healing session (with our without sound - your choice) before I transfer one or two energy frequencies through the music/mentally, in the traditional way and through the qigong. The number of initiations can vary depending on where you are right now in your energy processes, how ready your soul is to take in the frequencies and integrate them. Normally I give two, but sometimes only one.  

Each session lasts around 120 minutes and there will be a total of 5-6 sessions depending on your rhythm.

Investment: 8000 NOK 

This amount can be split into several bills if you wish.

Written course material and short videos with the Qi Gong Initiations are included in the price. 


Here follows a more in-depth description of Nustas Karpay, the Pleiades and Munay-Ki. 


 Nustas Karpay

Nustas Karpay is a name in Qechua, a language spoken among the indians in Peru and some neighbouring countries. «Karpay» means rite/initiation. «Nustas» is the collective name of the inca princesses/goddesses who are bearers of the original life energy and give birth to life softly and beautifully. There are hundreds of nustas but seven of them are the most essential ones and each of them has her own name that is presented below.

Nustas Karpay are seven rites/energy transmissions that have been brought to the western world by the shamans of the Q'ero indians in Peru, descendants of the Inkas. The seven rites are seeds that are sown in each of our 7 chakras. Each seed carries a specific energy frequency that has the name of the Inca goddess/princess who is the beholder of the frequency.

The Nustas frequencies open up your heart, reconnect you with the original light of love and help you see the beauty and softness in yourself and others and in everything around you. Nustas make you feel at home in your physical body and help you find your unique vibration of the original source of love so that you can send it out in the world and the universe. So that you can walk here on earth fully as you, creating your life out of love, beauty and softness.

Frequency 1 – Mama Ochllo - the goddess/princess of wisdom and the mother of all princesses. She prepares us to receive the energy frequencies from the other princesses. She connects you with your unique light/fire, your vibration of the original light of love.

Frequency 2 - Dona Mujía - comes with humbleness, softness, healing, beauty and balance through the softness of the water element

Frequency 3 - Mama Simona -  makes you feel at home in your body by finding your roots, connecting with your blood lineage here on earth, finding your inner strength, your inner mountain

Frequency 4 - Dona Teresa - is the unconditional love that opens up your heart and connects your inner mountain with your heart. It helps you shine your own light to the fullest and walk here on earth steadily and in harmony in the beauty and softness that comes with unconditional love

Frequency 5 - Maria Sakapana - comes with the wind element and helps you be true to yourself, to free your voice and speak the truth that comes from your heart, to spread your unique tone softly and beautifully through the wind

Frequency 6 - Juana Wamantiklla - gives you clarity, helps you see, feel, taste, smell and experience your own reality and others' with soft eyes, seeing the beauty in yourself, in everyone and in everything

Frequency 7 - Tomasa Wamantiklla - the goddess of freedom that opens up your crown chakra connecting you to your true self. She is the frequency of light, integration and transformation. She integrates all the other frequencies and connects us to the seven sisters, the seven stars of the Pleiades 

The Pleiades - Qoto Llankay

According to the Q'ero shamans in Peru (descendants of the Inkas), we human beings come from the Pleiades, a star constellation that consist of thousands of stars among which nine stars are the principal ones. They are the seven sisters, the mother and the father that show us how to walk here on earth in co-creation and play, deeply rooted in the light of our own soul and the gift that we are. Each of these nine stars carries its own energy frequency. Here follows a very short description.

Frequency 1-Pleione: The godly Mother of the star nations. The star of care and embrace that carries you on your walk here on earth. The star of information.

Frequency 2 - Atlas: The godly Father of the star nations. The star of direction and grounding. Helps you to get to know every part of yourself and guides you in how to manifest your dreams.

Frequency 3 - Alkyone: The star of the light. The direct channel to the whole of the universe and thus also to your inner universe, your soul.

Frequency 4 - Merope: The star of reconnecting. The star of holy vision. The star of balance, joy and co-creation.

Frequency 5 - Elektra: The star of creativity and expression. Helps us to navigate between the three worlds.

Frequency 6 - Kelaino: The heart of the Pleiades, the star of pure love and compassion. 

Frequency 7 - Maia: The star of identity, direct connection to your soul. The star that knows your history and your future and helps you reconnect to your unique light.

Frequency 8 - Taygete: The star of manifestation. The star that carries all seeds for a new life, for new dreams to be realized.

Frequency 9 - Asterope: The star of illumination that lighthens up your way and shows you how to walk here on earth. 


Munay-Ki are the ten rites of initiation to the shamanic medicine way. Munay means "I love you" or "be who you are" in quechua, the original language of the Inka indians. Munay-Ki are ten frequencies that heal us and change our human energy field and us to "homo luminous". The old inka prophecies speak of that a new type of human being appears here on earth - a human being who is in his/her angelic nature and lives free from fear. These nine frequencies help you gain a new body, a body that ages, heals and dies differently, a body that is no longer affected by our genes, ancestors or karma.

Frequency 1 - "Healers' Rite" that connects you with Earthkeepers from the past that come to help you in your personal healing. The lakes know that we have an immense spiritual help available to us. These light beings work with us during our meditation and when we sleep to heal our wounds from the past and the wounds we have inherited from our ancestors.

Frequency 2 - "Bands of Power" that consist of five energy bands that represent earth, air, fire, water and pure light and that are installed in your light energy field. These bands work as a filter that decomposes heavy energy that comes in your way to one of the five elements. This way these heavy energies can give you nourishment in stead of poisoning you or making you ill.

Frequency 3 - "Harmony Rite", in which you receive seven archetypes, one in each chakra. In the first chakra you receive the archetype of the snake. The jaguar is received in the second chakra, the colibri in the third and the eagle in the fourth. Thereafter you receive three archangels in the three upper chakras. Huascar Inca, the guardian of the underworld and the subconscious, is transferred to the fifth chakra. Quetzacoatl, America's fetheradorned snake god and guardian of the middle world (our conscious world) is transferred to the sixth chakra. Pachacuti, the guardian of the upper world (our God consciousness) and the protector of the time to come, is transferred to the seventh chakra. Afterwards, they help each other to combust the psychological mess that has built up in your chakras so that your chakras can shine with their original light ad you develop a rainbow body. This rite helps you shed your past like the snake sheds its skin.

Frequency 4 - "Seers' Rite. This rite installs threads of light that go from the visual centre at the back of the head to the third eye and the heart chakra. This helps to awaken your ability to perceive the invisible world.

Frequency 5 - "Daykeepers' Rite. Daykeepers were masters of the ancient stone altars that exist in holy places around the world, from Stonehenge to Match Piccu. Daykeepers have the ability to call on the power of these ancient altars in order to heal and bring balance in the world. This rite is an energy transmission that brings you together with the lineage/the heritage of the Laikas of the past. According to legend the Daykeepers call the sun so that it rises every morning and sets every evening. They make sure that people are in harmony with Mother Earth and honor the feminine. The Daykeepers were midwifes  who watched over births and deathbeds. They were the wise women, the ones with knowledge about herbs. They were mostly women and bore the knowledge of the feminine earth. This initiation begins your healing of the feminine part within you and it helps you go beyond fear and to practice peace.

Frequency 6 - "Wisdomkeepers' Rite". Legend has it that the ancient wisdom is alive in the high mountains. The snow clad mountain tops were honored as places of power, just like other mountains in the world, from Mount Sinai to Mount Fuji to Mount Olympus, have been honored as places where man has met the Divine. The lineage of Wisdom keepers is medicine men and medicine women from the past that have overcome death and stepped out of time. The task of the Wisdom keepers is to protect the teachings of energy medicine and share them with others when they find it suitable. This rite helps you step beyond time and taste eternity.

Frequency 7 - "Earthkeepers' Rite". This rite connects you with a line of archangels that are protectors of our galaxy. They are said to have human form and be tall as trees. Earthkeepers, that are messengers and servants of all living here on earth, are under direct protection of these archangels and can summon their powers when needed to bring healing and balance to any situation. Earthkeepers' Rite helps you walk the way of "the one who sees" and to dream the world into reality.

Frequency 8 - "Starkeepers' Rite". This rite anchors you safely in the time after the big transformation that came in 2012 and 2013. According to the legend your physical body will start developing into Homo Luminous when you have received this rite. Ageing is slowed down and you get a greater resistance towards illnesses that you have been prone to get earlier. After having received this rite you may discover that you do no not process events mainly on the physical level. For example, if you catch a cold you may process it on the energy level and it will pass in one or two days instead of in a week or two. You can begin to live and process the happenings in your life on the spiritual level. When you receive this rite you take on the responsibility to be an administrator of the time to come and of all future generations.

Frequency 9 - "Creator's Rite". When you receive this rite you awaken God's light within you and become an administrator of the whole of creation, of everything from the tiniest little grain to the largest collection of galaxies in the universe. This rite has never before been available on earth. Even if there have been individuals that have reached this level and awakened their Christ consciousness or Buddha consciousness, it has never before been possible to transfer this from human to human until now Creator's Rite was carried forward and was given to us as a gift from the Inka elder of the Andes in the summer of 2006.

Frequency 13 - "The Rite of the Womb". This rite was downloaded as late as in 2014 and came as number 13 so there are no 10, 11 and 12 as yet. The Rite of the womb is given to heal our womb and in this way bring healing to Mother/Father Earth. It helps us remember that the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.

Warmly welcome to book a session/sessions with me by phoning/sending an sms to +7 466 35 283 or by sending an e-mail to 

Love and light
