Finding the Nectar of Your Soul


"Finding the Nectar of Your Soul" will be given 15-18 August 2024 at Nyhyttans Kurort, Nora, Sweden. 

This workshop is about finding out who you are in your essence. Finding your nectar, your sweetness in life. Just like the colibri. And to have the courage to really commit to yourself.

During these days you will receive the energy frequencies of the Nustas, the original energies of love that give birth to life softly and beautifully. These frequencies will help you find your nectar, to see the beauty in every part of yourself and love every part of yourself so that you can love everybody and everything around you.

We will also focus on releasing all the roles that we play, the role of mother/father, child, partner, workroles, roles that have been put upon you by your family/friends/yourself such as the shy one, the cheerful one, the undecisive one, the angry one, the talkative one, the clumsy one etc. You will go beyond all these roles to find out who you are in your essence and where you are headed.

You will also become more familiar with all the seven archetypes within you (the four animals and the three guardians of the three worlds) during our days together.

And finally, you will begin to be a Wisdomkeeper by receiving the Wisdomkeeper’s Rite. This rite helps you reestablish your relationship with Father/Mother Heaven. It also helps you connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. Beings who have stepped out of time and who will help you taste infinity. They will also help you remember the ancient teachings so that you can share them with others when you find it appropriate.

Our days together contain many guided Gong and Crystal Sound Meditations, Qi Gong exercises,  talking, sharings, energy work exercises, initiations (energy transmissions), energy work outdoors in the beautiful nature around Løken Gård, fire ceremonies etc. We follow the energy processes in the group and what comes to us from the world and the universe so we can never say beforehand exactly what will come up in each workshop but we have a basic structure for each one.

We will give you tools to bring home for you to work with to continue your own magical journey to get to know every part of yourself, nature and the universe.