Opening up the Heart

"Opening up the Heart" will be given 1-4 February 2024 at Nyhyttans Kurort, Nora, Sweden.

For practical information about the workshop, please have a look at the Course Calendar.

In this first part we step into the South of the medicine wheel and get to know the archetype of the south - the Serpent who teaches us to shed our past (this life time) as easily and smoothly as the snake shifts its skin and helps us remember how to move softly here on earth, in our Garden of Eden. 

One of the main focuses of this workshop is on opening up the heart for the original light of love. Among other things you will get one of the three big energy transmissions of the Q'ero Shamans - The Initiation of the Heart - through a Gong and Crystal Sound Meditation and through Soul Journey Qi Gong 1 to the tones of gongs and crystal instruments. 

You will get to know the Wiracocha, your highest light. How to connect to it, how to use it as a filter, how to expand it and let it spread out to your surroundings and the whole world.

Another important focus will be on begin sourcing from the future. You will reconnect with your origin in the stars through our transmissions of the energy frequencies of some of the stars in the Pleiades. This will make it easier for you to receive information and energetic nourishment from the future in stead of being tied to and held back by the past.

You will also learn a bit about the three different worlds, our inner worlds: the under world (the subconscious you), the middle world (the conscious you) and the upper world (the superconscious you).

Our days together contain many guided Gong and Crystal Sound Meditations, Qi Gong,  talking, sharings, energy work exercises, initiations (energy transmissions), energy work outdoors in the beautiful nature around Løken Gård, fire ceremonies etc. We follow the energy processes in the group and what comes to us from the world and the universe so we can never say beforehand exactly what will come up in each workshop but we have a basic structure for each one.

We will give you tools to bring home for you to work with to continue your own magical journey to get to know every part of yourself, nature and the universe.