Nustas Karpay


We will give "Nustas Karpay" in The Blue Mountain Hall in Oldedalen, Vestlandet, Norway, 22-25 September 2024. For practical details, have a look in the Calendar.

The pictures below are all from Oldedalen from earlier workshops and retreats we have given there. 

Nustas Karpay is a workshop about learning how to walk here on earth softly and beautifully, following the rhythms and cycles in nature and in yourself, your inner nature. It’s about opening up your heart, seeing the beauty in yourself and in everyone and everything around you. It’s about loving every part of yourself to be able to love everybody and all that sourrounds you. It’s about finding your unique vibration of the original source of love and let it spread out in the world.

The name of the workshop - Nustas Karpay - is from Quechua, a language spoken among the indians in Peru and some neighbouring countries. «Karpay» means rite/initiation. «Nustas» is the collective name of the inca princesses/goddesses who are bearers of the original life force and who give birth to life softly and beautifully. There are hundreds of nustas but seven of them are the most essential ones and each of them has her own name that we present further down.

So, Nustas Karpay are seven rites/energy transmissions that have been brought to the western world by the shamans of the Q'ero indians in Peru, descendants of the Inkas. The seven rites are seeds that are sown in each of our 7 chakras. Each seed carries a specific energy frequency that has the name of the Inca goddess/princess who is the beholder of the frequency.

During our days together you will get to know these seven energy frequencies in different ways. We will give you the rites through guided Gong Meditations, Qi Gong movements, Crystal Sound Meditations and beautiful ceremonies in the magical nature of Oldedalen among waterfalls and high mountains. The tones of the Gongs and Crystal instruments enter on cellular level and help clear away possible blockings, they create balance and harmony and transfer the energy frequencies to you. The Qigong helps you to open up your heart and feel the oneness with the different elements in nature and the whole universe. It consists of soft, beautiful, slow and powerful movements made with a specific concentration for each movement. We practice to the tones of Gongs and Crystal instruments which deepen and strengthen the energetic processes.

During the workshop we will also talk about each frequency and share our own experiences.

As you get better acquainted with each frequency you will meet and get to know different parts of yourself. We will guide you and support you in the process in different ways - by talking and giving individual healing to make your journey soft and smooth.

The workshop also gives you an introduction to Shamanism in general, what it means to live your life as a shaman here on earth, spreading your love and wisdom.

Here follows a short introduction to each of the seven frequences beheld by the seven princesses:

Frequency 1 – Mama Ochillo is the goddess/princess of wisdom and the mother of all princesses. She prepares us to receive the energy frequencies from the other princesses. She connects you with your unique light/fire, your vibration of the original light of love.

Frequency 2 – Dona Mujía comes with humbleness, softness, healing, beauty and balance through the water element

Frequency 3Mama Simona makes you feel at home in your body by finding your roots, connecting with your blood lineage here on earth, finding your inner strength, your inner mountain

Frequency 4 – Dona Teresa is the unconditional love that opens up your heart and connects your inner mountain with your heart. It helps you shine your own light to the fullest and walk here on earth steadily and in harmony in the beauty and softness that comes with unconditional love

Frequency 5 – Maria Sakapana comes with the wind element and helps you to be true to yourself and free your voice, to speak the truth that comes from your heart, to spread your unique vibration softly and beautifully through the wind

Frequency 6Juana Wamantiklla gives you clarity, helps you see, feel, taste, smell and experience your own reality and others’ with soft eyes, seeing the beauty in yourself, in everyone and in everything.

Frequency 7 - Tomasa Wamantiklla is the goddess of freedom that opens up your crown chakra connecting you to your true self. She is the frequency of light, integration and transformation. She integrates all the other frequencies and connects us to the seven sisters, the seven stars of the Pleiades.

Leaders: Bjørn and Maria Løken. Bjørn is a shaman, a sound healer, a musician, a teacher and assisting professor of percussion at the Norwegian Academy of Music and a certified teacher of Kundalini Yoga. Maria is a shaman, a sound healer and a certified instructor of Medical Qi Gong according to the Biyun method and the creator of Soul Journey Qi Gong.